Your analysis should include an analysis of the information found on the organization’s website. There should be a minimal amount of copying/pasting. If you must directly quote from the website, you must properly cite the website. Your submission should provide an analysis and reflection of the information found, not just a reporting on the data.
1. Name of the Organization: Crystal Stairs, Inc.
2. Organization URL Address:
3. Type of organization: [Organizations can include community organizations, early childhood centers, or schools and those that focus on services such as advocacy; basic needs assistance (e.g. food and shelter); childcare; clinical services (e.g. mental health, children & family services); crime & legal; individual assistance (e.g. employment, training); special needs services; or youth development.]
4. Mission: What is the organization’s Mission?
5. History: What can you learn about the organization’s history? When and why was it founded?
6. Service Activities: What activities/programs does the organization offer? Who does the organization serve? In what ways do these activities and targeted constituents align with the mission of the organization (or is a connection not apparent)?
7. Governance: What can you learn from the web site about the organization’s governance? Is there information about the Board of Directors? What kind of information is provided? What does this information about the Board reveal to you?
8. Staff Structure: What is the structure of the staff? For example, are there program directors reporting to an Executive Director or CEO? How many? Is there an administrative staff?
9. Reflections: Summarize key findings from your analysis.
What are your overall impressions of the organization based on this review of its website?
In what ways do you think working at this organization will illuminate some aspect of the social inequality issues and social change strategies that are the focus of our course?
What initiatives or programs contribute to social transformation?
What are the various ways people can join or support this organization?
Identify a list of questions about the organization and its work that you would want to explore as part of your community engagement experience? When applicable, make connections to course readings and concepts we are learning in this class.