If you are looking for further headings to use in your reflective report you could use the following to guide the critical incident analysis. 
Description of the incident- be succinct
Who managed/led the incident? In particular the escalation
What were the outcomes of the incident: for the client/baby
Client involvement?
How has the incident affected your practice: what have you learned?

Most incidents happen for a reason: include in your discussion

Can be human failure
Systems failure
Mitigating circumstances.

How the incident was managed and how was it escalated/reported?

Why report incidents & barriers to reporting: blame culture/fair culture
Reporting through Risk management discuss and analyze in the context of incidents
Were statements requested/the significance of statement writing. Perhaps link to your -contractual/professional responsibility?
Was there round table-and root cause analysis: discuss its significance
How did you learn from it-was there debriefing, if not why not? Significance of such.
Was there an opportunity to discuss with named mentor, -if not why not, if yes, what did you learn from that?

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