In writing the following micro-essays you are free to pick and choose from different
religions, come up with your own personal insights, and/or defend the orthodox position
of one’s particular religion on all of the following points (if you choose this latter path,
make sure to explain why you prefer the position of this one religion over all others in
regards to all these different issues). In each of these debates, make sure to relate how
your conclusions fit (or do not fit) with some of the conclusions reached by some of the
religions discussed in your readings and in class.

ANIMISM VS. ANTHROPOCENTRISM: Most Western religions differ from Animistic
religions in regards to the position of human beings in the great scheme of things, to the
presence or absence of a soul in other beings (i.e. animals, plants, etc.), and to the
relationship humans have with nature. Explain these different views, and analyze how
they fit (or do not fit) with a capitalist economy and how they affect the issue of energy
consumption. What do you think about this topic, why, and how do your ideas about this
affect your life (specific examples)?

THIS WORLD VS. NEXT WORLD: Many religions argue that this world is only a
place of passage and that our eternal life will take place on another plane. Vine Deloria,
on the other hand, keeping in line with Animistic cultures that view this world as central
to our existence, writes; “Any religion that promotes other places—heaven and so on—in
favor of what we have in the physical world is a delusion, a mere control device to allow
us to be manipulated”What do you think of this debate?

ONE TRUTH VS. MULTIPLE TRUTHS. Some religions argue that there is only one
eternal truth and one path to get to it while others state that there are many paths to get to
many truths. What do you think? How did these different positions affect the lifestyles of
people holding them? Provide a few examples from the history of various religions that
were caused in part by either mindset. Politically speaking, how would these different
approaches lead people to think about whether certain things (such as drugs, euthanasia,
prostitution, gambling, etc.) should be legal or illegal?

BODY/SENSES/SEX Many religions tend to devaluate the senses, the relationship with
one’s body, and sex. Other worldviews tend to exalt these 3 things. How do these 3
aspects play in your own worldview and in your life?

ECONOMICS. Some religions encourage accumulation of wealth (many branches of
Protestantism for example) while others are satisfied with standards of living that most of
us would classify as economically “very poor”. In our own daily lives, most people say
they would like more free time but can’t have it or decide not to have it because they
have to work in order to have a certain economic lifestyle. How does the tension between
these two pulls play in your life? What are your priorities in regards to this and why? Can
you think of any example of religions that have departed from their original message in
this regard? Why do you think that is?

RITUALS: Some religions value rituals very much while others disregard them. Provide
examples of each and explain the rationale for their position. What is your own position
on this? Do you have any ritual, religious or non-religious, that you engage in your own

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