How education and human capital impact economic growth. The case of the Balkan countries.
Structure for the paper:
1. Introduction
Why education is important to factor in GDP growth (first write what factors impact GDP, then write that one of the important ones seems to be education, then formulate your research questions or hypothesis (narrow those to the relation between education influencing human capital and GDP growth).

2.State of the art (Education and economic growth)
Here based on the literature you show that this relation has been already expected/confirmed by other researchers (and you inform reader about the previous papers which address this issue). But then why your’s research is adding something? Because you address specific region and specific economic conditions. So you may offer the hypothesis that those relations between education and GDP are even more important for developing economies (BTW this could also be the main hypothesis for your thesis – it introduces novelty as contrary to the hypothesis that education impacts economic growth – this one is already known and has zero novelty in it)
Also here – why you research Balcan countries (why it is interesting or important – e.g. because they were starting from relatively low numbers meaning those effects you mention could be better observed)

3.Education and GDP in Balcan countries
Show what were the data for education numbers and GDP during the researched period in the countries you have selected.

Show econometric model linking education to GDP (please concentrate on human capital, do not use human development as it is outside the scope of the paper – and besides we have to really think in-depth about how to incorporate this – if at all into your thesis)

5.Results and discussion
Interpret your results. Can you formulate advice to the governments? Are your findings in line with expectations (in line with findings of others which you have addressed in the introduction, are there any problems with your research (e.g maybe the data was not complete and thus your results should be treated with caution or what further research might be conducted in this field to develop your findings)

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