1.Write a research on Iodine intake in women of childbearing age
2. Write a research on Bone density in athletes taking part in different sports
Write your answer in the format of an abstract. Your abstract should include the following
headings: introduction, methods, results, discussion. Details of what to include under each heading
are below.
Introduction (5 marks)
One or two sentences only to introduce the topic and the importance of the research. Include the
aim of the study.
Methods (20 marks)
Here you only need to give the method of the data analysis and the statistical tests used (with
justification). You do not need to describe the method of subject recruitment or data collection.
Results (20 marks)
Your answer will include one table and one graph. You will also need to describe some results in
sentences in this section.
Tables (15 marks)
Tables must have an appropriate heading. Tables must be aligned in the text (not sideways), and in
minimum of font size 10. Each column must be appropriately labelled. Report measures of central
tendency (mean/median) in a separate column to measures of variance (SD or IQR)
Figures (15 marks)
Figures should be clearly labelled, including a figure number.
When reporting figures, consider the accuracy of the measurement when deciding how many
decimal places to include.
Discussion (10 marks)
Short section to put the research in context. Explain the implications of the findings, any possible
explanation for the differences between groups, future research, recommendations for practice.
References (one or two only) (5 marks)
Should be in Vancouver style (i.e. citations are numbered in the text and reference list.