Corporate FinanceReport 1.TASK OVERVIEW Lecture 1introducesthe traditional and evolving roles of CFOs in public limited companies–highlighting firms‘goalsand the agency issues in corporate management. Lectures2and3presentthegovernanceandmanagementaspectsofcapital investment decisions byincorporating risks and real options to ensurepositive NPV. Lecture 4–7 introduces the scope of financing opportunities andhowto reach a capital structure decision that optimizes firm value,while lecture 10 introduces the dividend decision. Building on the concepts drawn from these lectures, thisCorporate Finance Reportaims to expand your conceptual understanding,ability to apply and take essentialjobmarkettransferableknowledgebyexaminingseveralfinancial management decisions of a chosen company from the Australian market. The report should– Identifying CFO‘stasks inthe selectedorganization in the context ofthetraditional andchanging role of CFOs (highlighted in Lecture week 1,Global CFO Research, and2017 global corporate treasury survey1). Conduct temporal analysisofthe identified CFO functions listed inthe task details sectionin this document foryourselectedcompany. Present a‘short and sweet’discussion of the current practices of how CFOs conduct these functions to contribute to the firm goal. Providecomments andsuggestionsin each section drawn from your analysis.