Topic: Gun related homicides


Paper details:

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Your paper should have the following sections:

Introduction (Introduce the topic and mission of the paper to your reader.)

The Crime (Describe the characteristics of the criminal incident you found, then describe what we know about this type of crime more generally. . . prevalence, trends, costs, etc.)

Theory I (Describe the main features of the chosen theory, then discuss how useful a specific theory from this category is in explaining the crime.)

Theory II (Describe the main features of the chosen theory, then discuss how useful a specific theory from this category is in explaining the crime.)

Theory III (Describe the main features of the chosen theory, then discuss how useful a specific theory from this category is in explaining the crime.)

Conclusion (Explain, in your view, which of the three theories is most useful in explaining the criminal incident you chose. Then, discuss the implications of this theory for criminal justice policy in general. What should the criminal justice system do to try to address the kind of crime that you were assigned in light of the explanation for the crime that you found to be most useful?) The sources you use for this assignment should include the article on the crime you chose and two peer-reviewed journal articles, either from the article you researched in Project One (if applicable) or other articles you identify to connect theory to crime. Significant amounts of information from peer-reviewed journal articles and your textbook should be incorporated into your paper. In addition to presenting information from your sources, do some significant critical thinking in applying the theoretical material we have covered to the real case that you select.

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