Part 1. Describe the natural variation in Arizona.
Include the following in your description:
Soil What Type of Soil Does Arizona Have? (
Biodiversity (species richness)
Plant physiognomy
Include descriptions of patterns in variation. An easy example is the pattern of temperature variation with elevation. What other patterns did you observe?
Discuss patterns with your classmates, and you may ask questions of your professors. You may utilize online and print resources in addition to your direct observations, photographs, and data collected on the trip.

Part 2. Describe in greater detail three aspects of natural variation in Arizona that were particularly intriguing to you. What did you observe that caught you by surprise, piqued your curiosity, or got you thinking? In addition to describing these aspects of variation, share some of the reasons why they were intriguing to you.

Part 3. Explanation and evaluation. Propose tentative explanations for three of the patterns that you described in Part 2. Where possible, propose multiple explanations for the same pattern – don’t stop at the first explanation that comes to mind. Finally, evaluate the different explanations with logical arguments.

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