Write yourself a personal financial plan. Use everything we’ve covered in class (lectures, readings, videos, podcasts, quizzes) to develop the following four part financial plan. State your financial planning goals. Include two more goals you would like to achieve for each of the following time frames: Short term (less than 6 months), Intermediate term (6-60 months) and long term (>60 month). Each part of the financial plan is worth up to three points (for a total of 12 points on this project).
2) In one paragraph for each goal – outline how you plan on achieving each goals. What actions will you take to help the goal come true?
3) For any quantitative goals (any goal that requires a calculation; such as paying off a student loan, saving up for a house or retirement) show how much you will need to save annually or monthly to meet the goal.
4) What did you enjoy about this ACE240 class? What would you do differently? Would you/have you recommended this class to a colleague or friend? If not – what changes might help?
There is no maximum word count. I’d be hesitant if your final project is under 800 or over 3,200 words. Please submit through the Moodle text tool. DO NOT email an attachment.