Substance Abuse on a Movie, or Documentary about Substance Abuse.

Instructions for writing your summary report on a book, movie, or documentary about substance abuse.

❖ 2-3 pages in single-space format

❖ 12-point font (Arial, Calibri, or Courier New)

❖ Standard margins (~1 inch space)

• Brief review of plot

• What was the drug(s)/substance(s) abused?

• What were circumstances that led to drug use/addiction?

• What physical and mental impacts on the protagonist became evident as the story progressed

• How was the drug problem resolved? Intervention, rehabilitation, death?

• Why did you select this film/book/documentary?

• What are your personal thoughts about the particular drug(s) after you have now seen the movie/book?

• Any other details you would like to discuss.

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