Water Pollution
Answer the following questions directly on this page. Be sure to visit all aspects of the site to obtain all necessary information.


Explain the impact of humans on the prevalence of pollution.

People began to move to the cities because of improved sanitary conditions and less disease. What was the major side effect?


Define point source pollution.

Explain the term “effluent” and its role in point source pollution.

List some of the consequences of unregulated point-source pollution.

Explain how large livestock farms contribute to point source pollution.


Observe the diagram depicting non-point source pollution and formulate a definition based upon the information available.

Explain the cause of most non-point source pollution thoroughly. Why is non-point source pollution so difficult to control?


Besides runoff, list the other causes of non-point source pollution given.

What are the two primary pollutants involved in non-point source pollution? Where do these nutrients originate?


Explain the term eutrophication and the chain of events that may occur.

Explain another harmful effect on both fish and humans.


Explain the importance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in terms of ecosystems and suspended sediments.


What are the two methods in which pesticides typically enter a waterbody?’


Explain the effects of discarded trash on runoff.

Explain how water activities can also affect bacteria and nutrient levels in the water.https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_pollution/015controlling.html

List at least 2 strategies that can be enacted in each of the following areas to eliminate non-point source pollution.

  • Urban and Suburban Areas
  • Agricultural Operations
  • Forestry Operations
  • Marinas


What are the six measures that you as a private citizen can take to control and prevent non-point source water pollution?

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