Ecological System and Biodiversity
o Identify a threatened species (flora/fauna) or a degraded ecosystem from your country of origin and prepare strategies for better conservation of the selected species/ecosystem.
o In case of degraded ecosystem, You need should highlight the causes of ecosystem degradation, present biodiversity status (abundance, distribution, geographic range/habitat, uses etc.), available policy, and legislation (both national and international) for conservation, intervention taken by government and non-government agencies to conserve the ecosystem, find gaps in those interventions, and propose additional measures.
o Guidelines when you prepare case study report:
1. Title: provide a short title of the work.
2. Summary: Provide summary of the case study finding within 250 words.The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the case study, the principal results and major conclusions. References should be avoided in this section.
3. Introduction: Provide an adequate background and state the objectives of the work and, avoiding a detailed summary of the results. Please avoid any sub-section under the introduction section. This section should cover the following things:
o what are the importance of the target species/ecosystem?
o What’s wrong with it? Here, mention why this species/ecosystem is declining. In addition, what is wrong with the management system? This should be based on literature. Not the findings after critical analysis.
o How the problem will be addressed? For example, write what new things can be done to address this problem.More precisely, highlight objectives of the work.4. Methodologyo Study area (Species/ecosystem from your country of origin)
o Methods (here mention how data and information were collected related to species/ecosystem habitat distribution, maps, causes of species density decline, causes of habita degradation, policies for conservation and so on).5. Results -Results should be clear and concise. Here mention the review findings. This section can be divided into different sub sections:
o Present situation/status of the species/ecosystem. Please include local data & information on abundance, distribution, geographic range/habitat, uses etc.o why is the species/ecosystem threatened?
o Available policy and legislation for conservation of threatened species/ecosystem in your country of origin and their effectiveness.
o Intervention taken by government and non-government organisations to conserve the species/ecosystem.6. Suggested conservation intervention–Find the gaps that can be done for further improvement and suggest interventions.7. Conclusion8. References (if any materials were taken from secondary sources please cite them in the text and mention them in the reference section).Within the text:Single author: Sohel, 1999; Allan, 2000Two authors: Allan and Jones, 1999