Create a stress management training session using the relaxation techniques studied in this course

The written project will describe your planned training session including:

Describe how you plan to conduct the training session. Your plans/ideas may include guest speakers, videotapes, individual or group exercises or activities. Think about your physical environment and communication technology/methods — overheads, PowerPoint, handouts, purchased materials. Be as creative as you can be in order to catch and keep the attention of the participants.

Content of the Training Session:
Describe the stress management tool you have chosen. Write from one to three paragraphs about each of these topics:

  1. Describe the specific tool or topic you’ve chosen to present
  2. Explain why this is an important stress management tool
  3. Demonstrate how someone could apply this management tool to reduce or eliminate stress
  4. Demonstrate how this tool recognizes diversity in populations and the reaction to stress.

Describe how you will involve the audience in your presentation. Your training should have an active element that offers an opportunity to practice or experience the techniques or use the stress-reduction tools you present.

Devise a method for assessing your workshop’s effectiveness. How will you know if your audience “gets it”? This assessment must be included as part of your planning and must explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your training.

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