Truth& the American Way Objective To considerthe notion of truth in light of influentialAmerican philosopher William James’ theory.
Steps 1.For the first part of your paper, think about a time when you held a belief that was important to youbut that came into conflict from new information or a seeming contradiction in your own beliefs.Describe what that belief was,why it was important and why you were conflicted about it.Specificallyshow how that conflictcame from what James calls “new information” or “contradictions in beliefs.”
2. Describe how you were able to resolve that conflict in your belief system.Were you able to integrate your original background belief withthe new or seemingly contradictoryinformation?If so, talk about how you were able to bring the background belief and the conflicting belief into harmony.Or did you have to eliminate one of your beliefs.Perhaps you had to get rid of your original belief, or perhaps you got rid of the belief that caused the conflict with your original belief.Either way, describe what you did and why.If your conflict in beliefs is still unresolved, talk about some of the potential solutions that you see and how they might fit with this model.If this sounds confusing, all I am really asking you to do is go back to the model posted above and see how your experience fits in.
3. Finally evaluate James’ model of belief itself.Do you think it is an accurate or effective account of how to set your own belief system inthe complex and rapidly changing world in which we live?