Target Market Factors
A. Analyze the internal and external market factors of the nation your sport organization is looking to join. Consider what factors impact the target nation’s market from within, but also outside elements.
B. Determine specific political factors that could impact the success of your organization’s expansion into an international market and explain possible approaches to addressing these factors.
C. Determine specific cultural factors that must be considered for your organization to be successful in the target market and explain possible approaches to addressing these factors.
D. Predict communication challenges that your organization could face when moving to the target market and describe ways that these challenges can be managed.
E. Describe what your organization can offer to the chosen market that it is currently missing or lacking.
F. Determine direct and indirect competitors to your organization within your target market, explaining the relationship and why they are competitors.
G. Determine the demographics within your target nation that your organization will pursue and justify your response.
H. Identify ways that competitors use media to promote their organizations and explain why these ways are effective with the chosen demographic.
I. Establish how your sport organization differs from competitors already existing in this market. Support your response with examples.
J. Analyze the pricing associated with attending sporting events within this market. Support your analysis with specific examples.