Each of the questions in Karyotyping and Genetics Testing Template involves a single-word answer or number answer.

Karyotyping and Genetics Testing Template

1. According to your analysis of patient A’s karyotype, you believe that this patient has the genetic condition known as ________________________ 21.
2. According to your analysis of patient B’s karyotype, you believe that this patient has the genetic condition known as ________________________ syndrome.
According to your analysis of patient C’s karyotype, you believe that this patient has the genetic condition known as Trisomy _______________.

Short Essay:
Use internet and book resources to determine the circumstances under which karyotyping is done in a health clinic setting. Also, share your thoughts regarding whether you or one of your family members would choose to undergo a karyotype test. The short essay must be 100–140 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge, and it must include 1 citation from the Bible and 1 from an outside source other than your course textbook. Sources must be cited in current Turabian format.

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