Food Security

Problem Statement and Rational: Discuss the problem that the proposal will address. Detail why the plan or project the proposal recommends is necessary. Present facts and evidence that support the need for the plan/project.
Research the problem, in more detail, that you plan to address and narrow down the focus of the problem/issue/opportunity that you plan to address in the proposal.
Why is this topic important?

Literature Review: Research similar plans or projects and cite them, emphasizing their successes and/or how your proposal resolves the weaknesses, omissions, etc.
Find journal articles pertaining to what topic you are researching.
Read the articles and summarize the information that can help support what you are proposing in the grant.

Methodology: By means of the objective(s), explain specifics of the plan or project, how it will go into effect, and how it will be evaluated.
Duration: How long will the plan/project take to be completed?
Products, Results, and Measurable Outcomes: What products, results, and/or measurable outcomes will be developed and/or identified as a result of your plan/project?
Project Personnel: Identify key personnel for this plan/project. Discuss the number of staff, their qualifications, and their specific assignment(s) as is relates to the plan/project.
List and discuss the key personnel that will be working on the project

Identify resources needed to support your plan/project (salary, materials and supplies, consultation, travel, etc.).

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