Paper details:
The first step before writing the paper is to identify three out of the five theorists. One of these theorists should be the one you select for your project. The paper should contain all three sections listed below as well as a PowerPoint of your project.
1. Section I – Select three out of the five theorists. Write the past research for each of the selected theorists.
2. Section II – Write on the current research for the three theorists you selected in Section I and how the theorists’ theories are being used in organizations today.
3. Section III – Identify an issue/problem within your organization (place of work) and develop a solution and/or recommendation by applying the best theory of the three you selected in Section I explaining why you selected it for your solution.
4. Create a PowerPoint presentation on your Final Research Paper project as if you were presenting this to your employer. *You will be asked to present to your employer so be prepared.