Choosing an interview subject
Whoever you choose, their job should be one that interests you, in a field or profession that you’re considering entering yourself once you graduate. This person should not be someone you already know or have worked for (e.g. a family member, family friend, past or present employer). Requesting an interview from a stranger is part of the assignment.

If you have someone in mind, but are unsure if they would be appropriate for the purposes of this paper, consult with your professor.

 Developing interview questions
The questions you ask are up to you, but they should be career related. Common questions asked during an informational interview include:

How did you become interested in this field?
What kind of education or training does this field require?
What are your main responsibilities?
What are some common career paths in this industry?
Can you describe the profile of someone recently hired as an entry-level employee in your company?
What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter this field?

Q: What educational background did you have before beginning this work?

Were your major questions answered to your satisfaction? If you have any new questions to explore, what are they? Did this interview make you more or less likely to want to pursue the field in question? Based on this information, are there any new steps you plan to take in terms of your personal goals and career planning?

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