Importance of physical and mental well-being

Activity 1: HR project Media One Hotel
Design an evaluation instrument to measure the effectiveness of the well-being workshop. Include metrics to measure sustainable HR outcomes.

Surveys: there will be a survey sent to them after the workshop and one survey will be sent after 1 week of the workshop.

Present this workshop evaluation instrument in a format that is easy for Media One Hotel enthusiasts to fill out. This format could be digital (ideal) or a paper format.

Survey 1  questions:

1: How organized was the workshop?

2: Did 4-7-8 breathing Exercise help you relax and calm down?

3:  Will you recommended 4-7-8 breathing Exercise to loved ones?

4: Did progressive muscle relaxation exercise help you relax?

5:  will you recommended progressive muscle relaxation Exercise to loved ones

6:  Did Aromatherapy help you relax and calm down?

7: Will you recommend  Aromatherapy to loved ones?

8:  Which was the most helpful activity/ Exercise and you will add in your lives?

9: Overall how would you rate the workshop?

Survey 2

1: Which exercise or activity did you adapt in your daily life?
2: How did the exercises help you in your busy life?
3: Has the importance of physicals and mental well being changed? If yes then how?
4: Is their any diet changes you have adapted?
5: How do you think that your health can affect your productivity and Company’s productivity?
6: What is the effect of over working on physical and mental health

Describe when and how you are going to administer this workshop evaluation instrument to Media One Hotel enthusiasts.

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