1. As a candidate, what did you think you did well? (e.g. Did you present yourself well, and if so how? Did you use STARS? Were your responses detailed, appropriate, specific, clear, delivered with appropriate language and tone? Did you use a strong example/story?)
– I had appropriate language and tone and used a story but I could work more on that. , my response were specific and clear , I think I didn’t present my self well because I felt really anxious and when I’m anxious I cant make eye contact properly.
2. As a candidate, what things do you think you could do to improve on your answer(s) in the interview?
3. As a candidate, what did you notice about your body language and voice tone during the process? How does an in-person interview differ from recording an interview?
-i think I probably have more body movement than an in person interview.
4. What else did you learn that you can apply in future interview situations?
– I learnt that I should practice my answers and be confident.
5. How would you prepare for an (phone/Skype/or in-person) interview in the future? (consider research/practice/presentation).
hi writer please write an interview reflection essay for all 5 numbers I answered 1,3 and 4 but could you please expand on that and answer numbers 2 and 5 too . thanks