This week, you will create a reflective essay. A reflective essay is a statement of your personal views and beliefs on a topic. Your reflective essay will focus on the topic of assessment and the material presented in this course. This reflective essay should include what you knew about the assessment for ELLs before taking the course, and what you have learned from the course. Additionally, the reflective essay should include how your assessment views, beliefs, and practices reflect, and/or are reflected in your teaching philosophy and your beliefs about education.
In Week 1, the first part of your assignment asked the following:
Please begin the paper by introducing yourself to the reader. You may use first-person point of view (I, me, my, etc.) to do so. Tell the reader why you chose the field of ELL instruction and if you currently work in the profession. Additionally, please share what prior knowledge you have regarding assessments for linguistically diverse learners.
Please review your answer and use it to help complete this assignment.
Using course materials, your reflection from Week 1, and other assignments from the class, create a three- to five-page reflective essay (written in first-person point of view) that provides evidence of your philosophical beliefs and how your learning has changed and developed over the weeks of this class. Discuss what you knew about the topics before taking the class and what you have learned since. Several key concepts should also be addressed in the essay. They are noted below:
Enduring validity in assessment
Appropriateness of assessments
Different types of assessments
Accommodations that are appropriate for ELLS
Tying assessments to standards
Correlating instruction and assessments for linguistically diverse students
Please provide a concluding statement about how you will use the information from this course in your own classroom now, or in the future.
Clearly document and cite pages from the readings to explain and support what you base your beliefs on. List complete references at the end of the essay in APA format.
Length: 3 to 5-pages, not including title or reference pages
References: Include 3-5 sources.
Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your presentation should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.