Question 1
In order to prioritise your nursing actions, you are expected to have a sound understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology.
Explain the pathogenesis and pathophysiology causing the clinical manifestations with which Mr Das presents.
Question 2
Choose One high priority nursing intervention that you will perform for Mr Das
– Briefly explain why you chose this nursing intervention
– Explain how the nursing intervention will alleviate the clinical features of Mr Das
using physiological linking
– Describe briefly the impact of not performing the intervention
Question 3
Mr Das has been prescribed Furosemide 40mg IV Stat and Glyceryl Trinitrate IV Infusion 10mcg/min starting rate.
For both medications explain
– The mechanism of action
– Why your patient is receiving this medication in relation to his symptoms and diagnosis?
– What are the nursing considerations for this medication?
– What clinical response you expect?
– What continuing clinical observations will you need to undertake?