After reviewing the video below, respond to each of the following prompts:

1. What are Haugen’s (the whistleblower) claims against Facebook and how the platform regulates (or doesn’t regulate) speech on their platform? What are the kinds of algorithms and safety checks that are supposed to be in place, and how how does she claim Facebook uses these to their advantage?

2. What are other direct harms that the video claims can be linked to Facebook’s lack of regulation? Do you think this and/or any of the previous claims are legitimate? Why or why not?

3. What, in your perspective, is the most reasonable solution for regulating dangerous speech or posting on Facebook? Or should there be any regulation at all — and if this is is the case, do you concede that there must be some inherent risk in free speech, even if a company is profiting from those risks? As always, no wrong answers here! This is a controversial topic, but just be sure to support your thoughts and conclusions with reasoning!

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