Appendix B

Addendum to Satisfaction Survey
1. How did your telehealth therapy compare to your expectations?

a. Much worse than I expected
b. A little worse than I expected
c. About what I expected
d. A little better than I expected
e. Much better than I expected

2. What type of in-person therapy have you done before? (select all that apply)

a. None
b. Individual therapy
c. Group therapy
d. Couples therapy
e. Family therapy
f. Other: ________________________________

3. What type of telehealth therapy have you done before? (select all that apply)

a. None
b. Individual therapy
c. Group therapy
d. Couples therapy
e. Family therapy
f. Other: ________________________________
(Appendices continue)

4. Did you experience any technical problems while using telehealth?

a. No (skip to question 5)
b. Yes (select all that apply)
i. Problems with sound
ii. Dropped calls
iii. Poor video quality
iv. Other: ____________________________

4a. If you experienced technical problems, were those issues resolved?
a. No
b. Yes

4b. If you experienced technical problems, was your therapist aware of the issues?
a. No
b. Yes

5. Did you have any concerns about your privacy or confidentiality while using telehealth?
a. No (skip to question 6)
a. Yes

5a. If you had concerns about privacy or confidentiality, was your therapist aware of your concerns?
a. No
b. Yes

6. Did you have options for therapy other than telehealth?

a. No
b. Yes (select all that apply)

i. In-person at VA medical center (VAMC)
ii. In-person at community-based outpatient center (CBOC)
iii. In-person community provider (outside of the VA)
iv. Other telehealth options
v. Other: ______________

7. If you had other options for therapy, why did you choose telehealth? (select all that apply)

a. Reduced travel time
b. Reduced travel cost
c. Availability of specialized therapy
d. Availability of a therapist who could see me more
e. Availability of a therapist who could see me more quickly
f. Ability to do therapy at home
g. Other______________________

8. Where were you located during your telehealth therapy sessions? (select all that apply)

a. VA Medical Center
b. VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC)
c. In my home
d. In a location other than my home

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