Issue: Integrity
Build your case, build your argument that you had before you started your research process. What did you believe at the beginning of the semester?
Present your research summary. Provide an overview of your ‘pro’ and ‘con’ resources so the reader can understand the big picture of your topic. Are you providing a holistic view of the topic? What limitations and views does your research lack?
Confirm in your paper that you are being unbiased and how you know about your research and thinking about the topic.
How do you personally manage any basis and inherent assumptions that are inside of your thinking? How could your thinking (past and present) be wrong? Do you have the ability to find holes in your argument? What are these holes?
What are some facts vs. Opinions in your argument? How did you ensure that you were thoughtful and conducted quality thinking?
Tie all this information up in a summary, what does it all mean to you and your topic? Due to thinking your topic through has the process modified your views or approach? Summarize all the information provided.