Working as an entrepreneur based in a country of your choice, design a digital info graphic outlining an innovative solution to a current challenge and/or business opportunity facing an SME.
This could relate to any local or global issue/opportunity impacting on your chosen country. Ensure you only choose an SME (Small and Medium sized Enterprise). Examples of possible challenges or business opportunities include:
• Practical solutions to help businesses deal with the COVID-19 crisis
• Ecological or environmental issues – any solutions which encourage sustainability
• Using technology to enhance the product/ service or brand reputation
• Crypto Currency
For the purposes of this assignment, you should focus on the potential challenge/opportunity, the anticipated customer persona, the specific painpoints they are facing, your innovative solution and the expected impact of your solution.
Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.
In addition to the Generic Grading Criteria for HE work at Level 6, the following content must be included:
The Challenge/Opportunity – Use compelling and convincing data/evidence to outline the challenge/opportunity you are addressing.
Customer Persona – Who are you designing the innovative products/services for and what do you know about them?
Pain points – Outline any specific pain points experienced by your customer personas – your solution should address these.
Your Innovative Solution – what does your solution comprise of? How will it work? Pay particular attention to the process and the customer experience (CX) design?
Impact – Be specific. What sort of positive impact will the proposed solution have on your customers?
Info graphic Design:
Design your proposal by using effective visual presentation tools (icons, symbols, colors, images, words, fonts…)