Literary devices are techniques used in writing that produce a specific effect. Most literary devices help the audience focus on particular words or phrases in order for the author to get their point across. They can be found in all types of texts including music.

This project will allow you to realize how literary devices are a fundamental element in most songs. Using your newfound knowledge of literary devices, you will explore your favorite songs in order to identify and explain how they are utilized.

Directions:  You will select a song  of your choice. You must get your song approved by the teacher.  The song must have a minimum of 5-7 literary devices.  Although you may duplicate the type of literary device, you may not duplicate phrases or lines in your song for your examples and as part of your analysis. Write a literary analysis explaining the purpose and effect of using these particular literary devices in your chosen song.  Make sure that your analysis follows proper MLA guidelines.  In your main paragraph you will introduce the song, author, and touch on the meaning of the title.  Explain the song and discuss the theme and tone of the piece.

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