Briefly describe whey this document is used:
Evaluate the content
Identity any irrelevant information
Indicate any gaps in the information
Identify any information that seem inaccurate
List other problems with the content
Evaluate the organization:
Identify anything that is out of order or hard to locate or follow:
List other problems with the organization
Evaluate the Style:
Identify anything you misunderstood on first reading
Identify anything you couldn’t understand at all
Identify expressions that seem wordy, inexact, or too complex
List any other problems with the style
Evaluate the design:
Indicate any headings that are missing, confusing or excessive
Give examples of material that might be clarified by a visual
Give examples of misleading or overly complex visuals.
List any other problem with design
Identify anything that seems misleading or that could create legal problems or cross-cultural misunderstanding