Assessment task details and instructions Working individually, you are required to select and investigate a recent ‘iconic’ construction project completed in the last 10 years or currently progressing. The project can be located in any part of the world.Considering your selected iconic project,you should write a 3000–wordresearch orientedreport covering the following two TASKS 1.Introduce your selected project. The selected project should be named,and a brief background should be provided to introduce/describe the chosen project and to justify its iconic nature.Project key information andstart andcompletion datesshould be clearly specified by including relevant tables/figures. 2.Describe and map,bycreating twoIDEFO diagrams, the main processes in the pre–construction phase of the selected project.
ThetwoIDEF0 diagrams should consist of a single Level 0 diagram (i.e.,Context diagram)anda single Level 1 diagram. You should also selectfourprocesses, from your Level1IDEF0 diagram, and describe the flow of activities within these processes by usingfourUML Activity diagrams. The RIBA Plan of Work or CIOB Code Practice for Project Management frameworksmust be investigated and used to identify and map the main processes/activitiesand other relevant information to be included in your own diagrams.
The selected framework should be clearlynamedin the report. Each diagram shouldbe introduced and discussed in the report by clearly describing the processes/activitiesdepicted in the diagram in the context of the selected project and of the selectedprojectlife cycle framework(i.e. RIBA Plan of Work or CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management). The descriptionoftheillustratedprocessesandactivitiesis expected to be effectively supported by references to the selectedproject life cycleframework and relevant literature. You should alsomake appropriate assumptions as necessary and state them accordingly.The description of the four UML
Assessment Information/Brief Activity diagrams is expected to be more detailed than the description of the IDEF0 diagrams. Please note the following: (i)The report should focus on analyzing theory and relevant publications. It should include a combination ofsynthesis of knowledgegainedfromrelevantsources,yourown diagrams and descriptions based on factsand theory. (ii)Students are required to acknowledge all sources from which they obtain information, by including in–text citations and references inthe APA7th(Harvard) Style of referencing (see guidance on blackboard). (iii)The main emphasis in referencing should be on good quality secondarysourcessuchasofficialreports, journal/conference articles, books. Students can also cite relevant websites.