View the videos on Algorithms, Flowcharts, and Pseudocode.
Video 1: This first video covers concepts of an algorithm and how they are formed. Video length: 11:43.CrashCourse (2017). Intro to Algorithms: Crash Course Computer Science #13. YouTube video. (Links to an externalsite.)
Video 2: A video that covers what a flow chart is and how it is used. Video length: 5:35.Khan Academy (2011). Flowchart for the Factorial Program. YouTube videos. (Links to an external site.)
Once you have reviewed the videos, develop your responses to the questions. Responses should be from the perspective of someone tutoring a beginner in programming.
1.Discussion Topic Develop a response to the questions below, which will address the basic concepts of programming. Remember to use your textbook and other academic resources to justify your responses.
1.Most programmer’s first instinct is just to start coding. Is this a good idea? If you agree, then provide rationale to support. Also, provide an example of a software engineering model the supports this concept. If you do not agree, then provide an example of why this is a bad idea and identify a software engineering model that supports your decision.
2.In this module, you have looked at Algorithms, Flowcharts, and Pseudocode. Are all three necessary to be a good coder? Do research to find some real world data about how they are used. Describe what you found. If the data you found does not support the use of all three, describe, which would you consider important?
3.For the graded exercise in this module, you are being asked to write a complete program. Read the assignment and then come back here and construct the algorithm you think you will use for your program.