
View the video/article/ tutorial reading assignment on file I/O and debugging.

•Aikens, M., Morante, K., Coglati, E., Oppeggard. J. & Hell, Benjamin (2016). Non-programmer’s tutorial for Python 3: Debugging. Wikibooks (Links to an external site.)

•Python (2016). The Python Tutorial: 7.2 Reading and writing files. A Brief tour of the standard library. Python tutorials (Links to an external site.).

Discussion Topic Once you have reviewed the video/article/ tutorial, follow the directions below to develop your responses to the questions. Responses should be from the perspective of someone tutoring a beginner in programming.

Questions Develop a response to the questions below, which will address the basic concepts of programming. Remember to use your textbook and other academic resources to justify your responses. Plausible responses to the questions below will also be discussed in class.

1.Memory comes in two forms on a computer, volatile and non-volatile. Your programs run in volatile memory, why is this the case? What are the pros and cons of running in non-volatile memory and how do files play of role?

2.Given the limited amount of memory of RAM, how can files be used to allow very large items of data to be used in a program? Give an example of a program you use that may take advantage of files because it would be inefficient to load the entire program into RAM.

3.Imagine that no debugger existed for your language, how would you go about tracking down and fixing errors? Compare your method to that of using a debugger and evaluate which is better.

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