View the video/article/ tutorial on variables, IF statements, loops, and functions. Once you have reviewed the video/article/ tutorial, follow the directions below to develop your responses to the questions. Responses should be from the perspective of someone tutoring a beginner in programming.
Video 1:
This first video explains what a variable is and how you use them. Video length: 17:30.Martens, J. (2016). Retrieved from Python Variables Tutorial. YouTube video (Links to an external site.).
Video 2:
This video introduced the concept of a list that allows you to store multiple variables under one name. Video length: 15:19.Martens, J. (2016). Python List Tutorial. YouTube video. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Video 3:
This video will cover the concept of a branch of IF statement in programming. This is where the decisions are made in a program and allow the programmer to decide what code to run under what circumstances. Video length: 13:33.Martens, J. (2016). Python If For Beginners. YouTube video. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Video 4:
The concept of repetition in programming is essential. The vast majority of the time your programs are spent in loops. Loops allow the programmer to harness the power of the processors on the machine. Video length: 21:59.Martens, J. (2016). Python Loops For Beginners. YouTube video. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Video 5:
While the previous concepts covered are essential to programming the concept of functions is more about modularizing your code to reduce complexity and increase reuse of your own code within your programs. Video length: 21:37.Martens, J. (2016). Python Functions For Beginners. YouTube video. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Discussion Topic Develop a response to the questions below, which will address the basic concepts of programming. Remember to use your textbook and other academic resources to justify your responses. Plausible responses to the questions below will also be discussed in class.
1.Variables, decisions, and loops are the basic building blocks of a program,describe what each is used for in a program giving an example of when each would be used in a program that collects a user’s name and outputs a welcome message 10 times, skipping the 5th message and outputting “You are halfway there [name]” where [name] is the user’s name instead.
2.Modularization is a concept in programming that encourages the reuse of code in a program. These are generally called functions. When would you use a function in a program (give an example) and are they always necessary?
3.Python doesn’t make you define the type of a variable when declaring them however they do exist. What are the types in Python and are they different than types in other languages like C?