Exegetical Study of Esther 1: 1-9 (with some minor reference to the remainder of the chapter).
Pay special attention to the dynamics of food and feasting in the passage within its socio-historical context of the postexilic period. This paper should primarily focus on the details of the text itself.

Writing the paper
1. The introduction should make a definitive, intriguing, and maybe even provocative statement on the role you see food and feasting playing in the chapter that will serve as the focus of this paper (It should be a thesis that gives the specific argument or direction the paper will develop).
2. Each paragraph should develop a specific aspect of the thesis statement concerning specific terms and statements in Esther 1:1–9.
3. A brief conclusion should summarize the main idea(s) you have developed.
4. The paper should deal directly with the biblical passage. Specific biblical citations should support ideas that you state about the text or related passages. These should be placed in parentheses in the body of the paper. Use chapter/verse references for biblical citations. There is no need to write out the whole verse or passage
5. In writing the paper, you may need to incorporate background material from reading outside the passage from Bible and secondary literature(kindly, keep it scholarly, commentaries, or peer journals). Any information you get from such reading should be properly footnoted (Turabian including the publisher, state, year, and page). However, the paper is primarily interested in the analysis of Esth 1.

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