PSY 3456 Mental Health and Psychological Interventions:
Assignment 1
An important aspect of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders is keeping
abreast of the developments in the literature. It is also important to understand the cultural
appropriateness of the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders.
In total, review two peer-reviewed papers provided to you on Blackboard on one of the
following disorders: anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder.
One paper should be a systematic review or meta-analysis associated with the chosen disorder.
One paper should focus on the chosen disorder in the context of populations from non-English-
speaking background or from a minority group in the Australian context.
The two papers should be on the same disorder.
Review: Overview
Overall, for each paper separately, describe how the findings from the paper contributes to how
the chosen disorder is currently treated.
◦ Please note that you will not be expected to critique the specific research methodologies associate with
the two papers.
E.g., Buckman et al. (2022): Themes: Depression; role of life events for treatment prognosis
Write up
Imagine that you are talking to someone about the paper
Start with a targeting mini introduction to set the scene.
◦ In the case of Buckman et al, one could talk about the importance of prognosis in the treatment of
Then summarise the key findings of the paper
◦ In the case of Buckman et al., describe the key findings
Outline implications for treatment by describing current approach to treatment. Using the text
book to provide some context.
◦ In the case of this paper by Buckman et al., findings from this paper fits well with he Relapse prevention
So, provide a brief segue to relapse prevention before indicating to the reader how the findings of
Buckman et al. inform the relapse prevention aspect of treatment.
Independent Research
You will be expected to demonstrate some independent research when reviewing each of the
papers. That independent research should provide some additional pertinent information for each
reviewed paper.
You need to pick on one of the themes and provide some additional information relevant to the
theme that helps to describe how the findings from the paper contributes to how the chosen
disorder is currently treated.
◦ In the case of Buckman et al. it might be noting the findings from other papers that inform approaches to release prevention for depression.
The independent research can occur at any part of the write up.
This assessment measures your competency in relation to the following unit learning outcomes:
◦ 2. Explain ethical and professional issues related to culturally appropriate assessment, diagnosis and
treatment of people with psychological disorders.
◦ 3. Evaluate some of the main psychological approaches for treating psychological disorders in people
across the lifespan.