1. Group Portion
Using the information from the members’ individual portions deliverables, draft a group intelligence information report (IIR) containing the raw intelligence that answers your requirements.
As a group, you must do the following:
Fully exploiting the source reporting, come to a consensus.
Extrapolate the key pieces of information you feel meet your requirements.
It is up to the group as a whole to determine what information should be included in the report and what should be dismissed.
The group must use that information to generate a raw, unevaluated intelligence report that will be disseminated throughout the USIC and law enforcement community.
Determine, as a group, how the IIR will be drafted, and submit the final copy to your instructor.
The final document should be about 1–2 pages in length.
Grading will be based on quality, not quantity.
2. Individual Portion
Once your group has fully exploited the source reporting for raw intelligence, each member of the group, as an individual, must write 500–750 words analyzing the intelligence exploited by the group.
The analysis should address the following:
Do you agree with the decisions made by the group as a whole with regard to the raw intelligence exploitation? Why or why not?
Is there any additional information from the source reporting that you have discovered after the group discussion that would be of value to the intelligence analysis? Explain.
What is the purpose of the intelligence information report (IIR)? Explain.
With what important information will you report back to your group with regard to drafting intelligence information reports? Why is it important?