How do retailers employ disruptive technologies for customer acquisition and retention processes? Use academic journal articles and reputable publications, and examples to support your claims.
retail industry or the retail context that you will use in the essay.
Identify the disruptive technology or technologies and discuss how they disrupt the retail industry that you will discuss.
Define retailing- Use academic journal articles
Which retail industry are you focusing on? Use academic journal articles
You must choose one type of retailing before starting the essay.
Define disruptive technology- Use definitions, and discuss the concept. Use academic journal articles
Choose disruptive technologies that are relevant to retailers. Use reputable Business and industry reports
Discuss how they are disrupting the specific retail industry. Use the criteria. Use academic journal articles
In retail industry, it is most likely they are using several disruptive technologies combined to create value. Then, discuss the combination of technologies in specific industry context. Use reputable Business and industry reports
What is customer acquisition? Use academic journal articles
Why is it important? Use academic journal articles
Which disruptive technologies are already using to acquire customers by retail industry? Use reputable industry/business articles
Which disruptive technologies have the potential to use by the retailers to acquire customers in the future. Use reputable Industry/business articles
Provide examples – Use reputable industry/ business articles
What is customer retention? Use academic journal articles Use academic journal articles
Why is it important for companies to implement customer retention programmes? Use academic journal articles
What types of disruptive technologies available to marketers to use for customer retention? Use reputable industry/ business articles
Provide examples. Use reputable industry/ business articles
Summarise the key points of your arguments
Discuss how do you see use of disruptive technologies in future marketing practices in retail as well as other sectors. Be specific. Are there any contemporary issues?