Topic: Tao Te Ching by Ursula K Le Guin, Harper Perennial & Bhaga-vad Gita by Gavin Flood, Norton Critical Editions

What does it mean to live a good life?

Think about “a life well lived,” life lessons, the purpose of life, etc. Analyze each and compare the two passages that regards to the meaning of living a good life. One type of source will be the primary texts, so that makes two.

Use at least one more to help you make your argument. You can use any of the secondary source provided in Blackboard. You will also need to provide some historical and cultural background for each of the reading assignments, so that might be a fifth source. The key elements that make a good essay, and therefore the features that I look for are a clear controlling idea or argument, quotes from the texts that support your own lucid, interesting and relevant analyses, and the use of the Modern Language Association style for citing sources and listing them on a Works Cited page. Of course, a strong organization is important.

Correct grammar and sentence structure are important. Effective use of transition words and phrases is important.

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