Topic: An Analysis on the Concept of End of Life Decisions and Care

Paper details:

This is a research paper you will be writing on the concept of end of life decisions and care in the State of California. This research paper MUST be a minimum of 8 pages – not counting cover, references, and exhibits page.

——————Begin Writing Prompt————

End- of -life issues are one of the top ethical and legal issues that health professionals will face in the 21st century. Write a research paper that will analyze the concept of end-of- life decisions and care. Your research paper needs to include the following:

1. Introduction on the current state of end of life decisions and care in California and how this will be the top ethical and legal issues that health professionals will face in the 21st century. Provide examples of current case studies.

2. Discuss laws in the State of California regarding end -of -life decisions and care. Describe the current laws in detail.

3. Discuss “consent” in end-of-life decisions and care. Provide examples for illustration purposes.

4. Discuss whether healthcare ethics or institutional review boards participate in end-of –life decision and care issues. Discuss examples.

5. Discuss the role of government including HIPAA in end-of- life decisions and care. Discuss what is HIPAA and how it relates to end of life decisions and care. Provide examples.

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