1. Define the following and provide an example:
(a) Root DNS server
(b) Top-level domain name servers
(c) Default name server

2. Define the following and provide an example:
(a) Authoritative domain name servers – primary and secondary
(b) Master name server
(c) Slave name server

3. Wi-Fi routers are expected to have a DNS Relay.
What is it? What does it do?

4. Go to www.misk.com/tools (Links to an external site.) and enter the domain name of your choice.
Review the information provided by selecting DNSLOOKUP, WHOIS, and TRACEROUTE.

What have you learned?

5. Your PC has been suspiciously pinged from IP address Using tools that are freely available in the Web, learn as much as possible about that IP address (domain name, physical location, owner, address, etc.). What have you learned?

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