Administering of Oral and Silent Reading Passages and Analysis
1. Administer Oral Reading Passages. You will need the following:
a. IRI Teacher’s Directions
b. Oral Passages Teacher’s Protocol
c. Oral Passages Students
2. Administer Silent Reading Passages. You will need the following:
a. IRI Teacher’s Directions
b. Silent Passages Teacher’s Protocol
c. Silent Passages Students
3. Analyze the IRI by following the directions from the IRI Teacher’s Directions. Write an
analysis based on the student’s profile and results from administering the complete IRI.
The analysis should be written in APA format. In your analysis, include a section on how
to use the IRI results to make educational decisions.
4. In Blackboard, upload and submit the completed information for Part 2.
a. Oral Passages Teacher’s Protocol
b. Silent Passages Teacher’s Protocol
c. Analysis Paper

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