Business-Government Relations- Weekly Memos
Readings: 1-Crown Corporations: Government in the Market
Hale–Available on Vital Source (see below)
2-Bernier, Luc, Eoin Reeves, Patrice Dutil, and Taieb Hafsi. 2018. “Policy Adrift: Canadian
Crown Corporations in the 21St Century.” Annals of Public and Cooperative
Economics, no. 3: 459 – 474.
3- Bird, Malcolm G. 2015. “Canadian State-Owned Enterprises: A Framework for Analyzing the
Evolving Crowns.” Policy Studies 36, no. 2: 133-156.
Main Discussion Question:
Do crown corporations still have a legitimate role to play in
advanced industrialized economy such as Canada’s, or are they just relics of the past?