1. please write your responses to the following prompts in full sentences, starting a new paragraph for each prompt. You should write at least 6-8 sentences in response to each prompt. Do not use bullet points or number the paragraphs.
    1) How did this course challenge or change your perception of libraries and librarians? What did you think about librarians/libraries before you took this course? What do you think about them now? Make something up.
    what aspect of information literacy and/or the research process did you feel was most daunting, confusing, scary or intimidating? Why did you originally feel that way? Has your opinion changed over the span of the course? If so, how? If not, what do you feel you still need to learn in order to change your opinion? Make up something.
    Our course was organized into themes based on the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (Links to an external site.). The six frames are:
    Information Creation as a Process
    Authority is Constructed and Contextual
    Information Has Value
    Research as Inquiry
    Searching as Strategic Exploration
    Scholarship as Conversation
    Thinking about these frames, choose two that had the biggest impact on you. Write about why and how our work with these two frames has changed your approach to research, libraries, and/or learning. Specifically explain what you will do differently based on what you learned in these weeks.
    use this website to help: http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework

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