What specific obligations does the treaty impose on member states? In other words, what specifically does the treaty require state parties to do or not to do? Where are these in the treaty (articles)? Do not just list or quote the treaty’s obligations, but explain what they mean for governments’ behavior.

How is the treaty designed to be enforced? In other words, identify all the specific enforcement mechanisms built into the treaty and explain how are they supposed to work.

Under what conditions are the mechanisms in your treaty likely to be effective and why?

What kinds of conditions will make the successful enforcement of the treaty more likely and why?

What have you learned from other cases in class readings that help you understand if and when the enforcement mechanisms in your treaty are more likely to be effective and why?

What is it about how the enforcement mechanisms are designed that will make effectiveness more or less likely than in other cases we have looked at?

Give an overview of one particular case or instance in which there was an attempt to enforce the treaty, whether successfully or unsuccessfully (or both).

What is it about either how the treaty’s enforcement mechanisms are designed or the particular political, social, economic, or legal circumstances around the case that explains why this instance of enforcement was successful or unsuccessful (or a little of both)?

You will need to conduct research to identify and describe a case.

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