BIOL 204 Lab Case. Study.
Martin Cullinan is a 57 year old man who came to the emergency room, with 2 weeks of worsening leg swelling, fatigue and eye swelling. He has diabetes, which he has been poorly controlling over the last ten years or so.
Lab tests obtained during this clinic visit show: pH 7.21; sodium ion or Na+ 131 mEq/L; bicarbonate ion or HCO3– 12 mEq/L.
Mr. Cullinan is admitted for initiation of dialysis. His admission vitals are temperature 36.80 C, heart rate 94/min, BP 160/50mmHg, respiratory rate 30/min.
Note: In completing this case study, just list the question numbers (1-14) and give the answers. Do not repeat the question wording! When done, upload to Canvas.
All papers will be checked for plagiarism. All references must be cited, and direct quotes from the references must be indicated as such, using quotation marks. Academic Honesty is expected of all students, and it is described in the student handbook thusly:
“Academic Honesty means the use of one’s own thoughts and materials in the writing of papers, taking of tests, and other classroom related activities. Any student intentionally aiding another student in any infraction of the Academic Honesty Policy is considered equally guilty.
Students are expected to give full credit for the borrowing of other’s words or ideas. Intentional or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas without acknowledging its use constitutes plagiarism.
The four common forms of plagiarism:
Misrepresentation is the submission of materials for evaluation that are not the student’s own.
Unauthorized use of notes or another individual’s materials, copying, using another individual’s materials, or unauthorized prior knowledge of the contents of tests, quizzes, or other assessment instruments shall be considered a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy.
For the first infraction of the academic honesty policy, the faculty member shall give the student a ‘0’ …on the paper, examination, or presentation in question.”