Challange 2 policy paper and wrap up

Challenge 2: Practical Assessment of Homeland Security Analytical Writing
Case studies and policy papers (summaries of research and analysis that is relevant to real-world decision making in the public sector of homeland security) are common and useful tools in any government domain, including homeland security. In this challenge, you are asked to put yourself into the position of a policy maker in the homeland security community – for example, a program or agency head, legislative staff director, managing director of emergency management in a city, or even an elected official – to assess the quality of a case study and of a policy paper.

Questions to Consider
Jot down your initial thoughts about the challenge by considering the following questions. This is a process of helping you explore what you currently know about the challenge.

What is the role of a case study and of a policy paper as a decision-making tool?
What are the major elements of a case study and of a policy paper?
What are the evaluative criteria for a case study and for a policy paper in general and the homeland security community in particular?

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