The Fifth Story Analysis
This paper is a in depth analysis of a section (your choosing) of The Fifth Story by Lispector. The prompt for this paper can be broad however
If you choose to write something about these themes these questions are also helpful
– Imagery: What sorts of images, metaphors, similes, and other literary devices are
employed? What is their effect? Are there recurring symbols or objects that take on a
specific importance? Does their presence come to signify something in particular?
– Language: Consider the significance of such linguistic devices as repetition, formal or
informal language, tone, conventional or unconventional sentence structure, assonance,
alliteration, and if appropriate, rhyme and meter. How do these devices affect the
impression the passage makes on you?
-Larger Contexts: Does the passage allude to other literary works, historical events, or
cultural markers? How do these allusions affect the meaning of the passage?
-Form and Content: Does the form of the passage contribute to the transmission of its
content, or does it hinder it? Are the form and content in harmony, or in tension?