
  • Lit review, in prose format
  • AMP’s are naturally occurring peptides derived from snake, spider venoms etc.
  • My project is investigating how Antimicrobial peptides (AMP’s) enter bacteria.
  • Investigating whether the mechanism of entry into bacteria is through ‘hijacking’ siderophores.
  • Ferric-siderophores main function is to transport iron (Fe2+) into bacteria.

What needs to be discussed:

  • AMP’s (Antimicrobial peptides):
  1. What are they?
  2. what is their natural role (i.e. in snake venoms)?
  3. What are their natural targets (i.e. what molecules do they typically attach/interact with and why?)
  • The need for novel antimicrobial:
  1. Explain the current antimicrobial resistance crisis – bacteria are becoming resistant to classical antibiotics, e.g. resistant strains such as MRSA and the threats they pose.
  2. Explain how current antimicrobials (SNP peptides, Daptomycin) work, such as their mechanism of antimicrobial action (e.g. targets for uptake into bacteria, how do they inhibit growth), and compare their molecular make-up to AMP’s.
  3. Identify and discuss any gaps in literature.
  • Siderophores:
  1. What are they, what is their function in bacteria.
  2. Discuss any relevant literature with siderophores and their relationship with antimicrobials.


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