Equity and trusts CRITICAL
Word limit: 2,000
Weighting: 50% of the total marks for the module
Formatting: Single space; Times New Roman or Arial; Font size 11 or 12
Answer all questions. Your answer will be marked in accordance with the Law
Assessment Criteria attached & available in the module handbook.
Question 1: 1000 words (50 Marks)
The Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 abolished the Common Law and Equity Courts
and replaced them with a single High Court, whose divisions can apply both common
law and equity rules and principles. The elimination of the division at the court level
has led to proposals to eliminate the distinction also at the law level. According to this
view, equity should not be separate from common law and the two should be fused.
Do you agree with these proposals or are you in favour of the separation?
Support your answers by appropriate references to the relevant literature.
Question 2: 1000 words (50 Marks)
In September 2021 Waqar was in hospital awaiting heart operation, which the doctors
warned would be “very risky”. Fearing the worst Waqar decided to make some
arrangements for his estate by drawing up a will. Waqar, who had already transferred
properties to his children, also owned a number of land properties in West Yorkshire