Find one article in a news site, journal, magazine, website, etc that advocates the benefits of a fairly new or trendy dietary plan (ie. Ketogenic, Paleo, Vegan). Try to pick a diet that interests you. (NSO6)
Choose one or two claims made by the article you choose.
Are these claims scientific or not? Why?
Find at least 2 scientifically-reliable studies that are related to your article and will help to either validate or disprove claims of your diet. List the URL of each of the studies and cite in APA format using THIS (Links to an external site.)
For each study, answer the following questions (NSO1,6):
What did the researcher(s) observe and measure in order to formulate the results of the study?
How many subjects (people or animals) were evaluated in your study?
Based upon your answers to A and B, what issues or questions about this study need more attention and why?
Do the results of your additional research support the use of this diet for managing the specific health concern/claim you were evaluating ?
Is this a diet you would recommend as a good solution for helping to prevent some of the largest health problems we are facing as a country today, and why?